
Vision, Performance, Impact
 Non-profit organizations face many difficult challenges and it is our job to help them overcome their struggles so they are better equipped to execute their goals.

The Importance of Major Gifts

Earlier this month CCS Fundraising published its annual A Guide to Philanthropy in the US.  America continues to be a very generous country with more than …

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Do You Have a Diversified Donor Portfolio?

​In the world of financial planning the concept of having a diversified financial portfolio is so common it is almost cliché.  If you are managing …

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The Importance of Donor Research

Thomas Edison once said, “A genious is a talented person who does his homework.”  I often like to think of this quotation when encouraging clients …

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Fundraising in the Time of Coronavirus

Abraham Lincoln was once quoted as saying, “the best way to predict your future is to create it.”  Our 16th President, who successfully led the …

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The Importance of Communications During Times of Uncertainty

In the world of fundraising and development communication is the bedrock of a successful program.  At its core, successful fundraising is built upon strong personal …

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Getting in the Door

The most effective way to inspire a donor to increase their giving and make a major gift to your organization is by making a solicitation in …

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