
Vision, Performance, Impact
 Non-profit organizations face many difficult challenges and it is our job to help them overcome their struggles so they are better equipped to execute their goals.

Afraid to Ask???

Being a major gift solicitor takes courage.  It is not easy to look across a table at someone you barely know and ask them to …

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Getting Back To Meeting

The recent social distance requirements in response to Covid19 have presented major gift fundraisers numerous challenges.  Interpersonal relationships are the foundation of strong and growing …

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Are You a Donor-Centric Fundraiser?

One of the great privileges of being a fundraiser is that you have the opportunity to engage with many interesting and generous individuals. These are individuals …

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Can Making Our Bed Ensure A More Successful Experience in Quarantine?

In the spring of 2014 Admiral William H. McRaven gave the commencement address at his alma mater, the University of Texas.  His inspiring remarks touched on 10 …

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The Importance of Deadlines

Every year around this time people all over the country begin to sweat and fidget and possibly even become a little faint as they realize …

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Do you Have a Culture of Accountability?

As we approach the midway point of the calendar year it is a good time to check on the status of the goals you set …

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